Someone once said, ~You live and you breath and then you die. In between, if your lucky, you fall in love. Some loves stay forever, others are lost in only a day. But its still there, underneath all the hurt and pride and years. If its true love, its never forgotten. So when someone says their in love, don't tell them they can't be. Don't say their too young, or its too soon. Love knows no age or length of time. Love is a feeling, deep in your heart, that squeezes you tight and makes you never want to let it go.~ In some aspect, love/and/or falling in love is like the cycle of life as a person goes through 3 stages with someone that he or she is interested in. A cycle in which one will experience or has experienced birth, growth, and most certainly death.
Without a doubt, love can be born in an instant but true love is gradual through time. It sometimes takes that one initial feeling to make you feel alive to the point where you're acting like a teenager again and have those teenage related tendencies. Such tendencies are physical play fighting, insulting each otherin a sometimes nonhurtful way, writing each other notes, and most certainly of all waiting to see who hangs up the phone first. For its that proverbial breathe of life that fills not only your heart and soul but also that person's heart and soul as well. Let me ask you this question, have you already met that someone special who truly gave you fresh eyes to see him/her/each other somewhat like a newborn baby seeing the world for the very first time?
As a person grows, so does in fact the love of that two people share who keep working at it and not just give up easily when the relationship either gets too complicated, frustrating, confusing, and/or drama filled. Essentially, its that growing mature love that works and survives the immaturity that some, most, or all guy/girls experience when in a potential and/or significnat relationship. One such immaturity that oftentimes has been the downfall of relationships is the so called green eyed monster known as jealousy. Whether its being jealous of not spending enough quality time or jealous of a friendly relationship your bf/gf has with a particular guy/girl, its the growing trust that hopefully both of you have within each other to keep the love growing stronger ever day.
Like a person, love can die in the metaphorical sense as the trust that was established through the course of a relationship is broken either temporarily or permenantly. In a sense, when a person breaks your heart ones like that he or she has just died or is dying as that particular guy/girl holds your beating heart in the palm of one's hand, points a gun at it, and then pulls the trigger not once but several times. Its an unfortunate situation indeed as that mostly everybody has been in and quite frankly nobody wants to go back and relive or remember. For the question can be asked, was there ever a guy or girl from a past or even a current relationship where you felt that person treated you as if you never even existed; like you died and didn't really care about you at all?
In retrospect, though a person may die love can be brought back to life but it takes time, patience and without a doubt a build up of that key word trust. Yet, how many times can a person's trust be broken by oftentimes the same person until one gets it through his or her head that one's so called special someone is not worth of your time and love. Thinking about it, our own pride can get in the way as one doesn't want to admit that they have failed in love, which not only hurts your ego but your heart as well. We've all been there and despite that fact we still keep moving forward even though our hearts are metaphorically battered, bruised, and scarred. In the end, hold on to the feeling that there is someone out there who truly loves you, never let go of it, and the best advice I can possibly give to you that I go by is never give up.
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